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Most people don’t want to believe what is going on in ALL our courts in America today.
The fact is getting a legal BAR license is a license to steal in America nothing to do with justice, law, rights or ethics.
What kind of person becomes a lawyer and ignores the fact that most of their law school friends and associates are criminals who rob and steal for a living. They get away with it because they all hide behind fake images like photos of them standing in front of a bookcase or legal books and the American flag. The fact is words like justice, law, rights, freedoms, equality mean nothing. They’re totally useless and victims don’t realize this until they try and use their rights or demand laws be upheld. Judges are the key and like the scum and frauds most of them are they hide like cowards and criminals from the Supreme court down behind these fake images and impunity.


HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse


Excellent free source to get attention to your case via SEO (Search Engine Optimized content) that often ranks on the top page of searches
no cost and offshore hosted to stop dishonest courts from extortion and removal of “freedom of speech” and the truth.

Court Victim Support
America has a corruption problem that starts at the American Bar. American’s are fooled via propaganda into believing they have rights, equality and freedom. Problem is if you try to use those promises you quickly find out they don’t exist. Every aspect of the media has been taken over and if your experiences or beliefs don’t go along with the government agenda their called fake news. The fact that a gang (American BAR) has manipulated and changed the so called justice system which should be based on rights, law, evidence, facts and witnesses statements into a profit system for BAR members. This is what happens when you let the criminals running things make the rules and laws. BAR members give themselves impunity and authority over rights and laws. Police never question a judge’s command because of the obviously biased relationship. Thus dishonest police rarely go to prison or receive fair punishment. The same can be said about judges who are allowed to retire or do a fraction of their prison time at a comfortable, plush federal prison. But worse the MAJORITY of thousands of judges never get any punishment and continue to abuse, steal and cheat the public out of justice.

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Ernest L. Moore is the creator of The Justice Channel in Los Angeles, California. It was originally a video show on Time Warner Cable TV Public Access.  Most of the media for the Justice Channel has been produced and edited by Ernest L. Moore.

The Justice Channel brings you the information that you do not hear or see from the mainstream media. TJCLA is making a stand against the propaganda that dominates most of the mainstream media today.

Court Victim Support
Join fellow court victim and activist Ernest Moore of Los Angeles CA to expose what happened to his family and thousands of others with podcasts, YouTube, news and petitions

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HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse


The Trustees’ Hostile Conspiracy Against Bradford Disney Lund & His Arizona Family

Court Victim Support
Judicial Abuse is NOT about how much lawyer you can afford, it’s about fraud, perjury and violation of law and rights for profit. Lawyers creating legal fees and stealing estates from anyone they can. Courts are weaponized to steal and because the judge is a criminal who does not follow law or rights means that no amount of law, legislation, rights or legal fees stop them.
Join Sherry and Bradford Lund in their battle for Justice

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HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse