While we are collecting worldwide data, currently our mapping is only available for North America
Note, the mapping does not show exact addresses of court victims for their privacy. The goal is to count the victims by county and state.


If you’re NOT on the above map, you’re not paying attention and why getting listed helps all court victims. Make this count, add your victim or add one you know of. You do not have to be the actual victim to get listed. However, additions will be vetted. If you can’t add anyone, you can use the share functions below and let your friends and social media contacts know about this site. Once added, it may take 24 hours for the system to update to show your results.

More Maps to come, Court Victim Icons shown DO NOT reveal the actual address parties

Get listed Court Victim National Database

HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse

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