Israel is 100 percent guilty for genocide and war crimes

We are all being lied to by a Deep State. Like Israel proved beyond a doubt that bribery, extortion, fraud, taking over our courts and government are used to destroy America. All while a religion demands we protect them and not be allowed to comment or object to what we see with our own eyes.

President Biden is part of the problem as the person in charge. Most likely, this old, mentally lost, pedophile, out of date and corrupt lawyer is only interested in money over the lives of Americans.

Our Politicians don’t fear being prosecuted or punished for treason, and openly accept bribes.

Courts and laws have been weaponized by the most dishonest, illegal profession in the world. Lawyers who are part of America’s biggest gang, the Legal Bar which, by the way, includes all judges who the majority
don’t follow law or focus on justice.



Most Americans don’t support Israel and never have. The fact is, Israel has been allowed to infect and take over the US government behind our backs. Did we vote for Israel to be an ally? Do we approve of a foreign entity that has no place being in our government? The fact is Israel only represents a minimal portion of Americans and the world, less than 10%

This has all been going on for decades and has only gotten worse. October 7th helped bring attention to the criminals, imposters, liars and frauds behind Israel. Israel was 100% behind October 7th, but it backfired on them. Israel killed the majority of the Music festival victims as planned and then spread a false narrative “beheaded, burned babies and sexual abuse” of the hostages taken. The fact remains “Israel” has raped thousands of Palestinians, tortured, starved and killed them by the hundreds of thousands and lied about it. Israel uses million dollar US taxpayer aid to finance huge media campaigns to spread propaganda lies to support its war crimes and attacks on Americans.

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Targeted Justice Files Lawsuit Alleging Crimes Against US Citizens, Is it a Bombshell or a Fizzle? by Janet Phelan

Targeted Justice Files Lawsuit Alleging Crimes Against US Citizens Is it a Bombshell or a Fizzle by Janet Phelan
By Janet Phelan
On January 12, 2023, Targeted Justice, which holds itself out as a resource for those who claim to be targeted with covert weaponry, filed a lawsuit in US District Court claiming that FBI head Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland—among others—are responsible for these attacks on selected US citizens. The lawsuit cites the “Havana Syndrome” and at least one of the plaintiffs, a Dr. Len Ber, has been cited elsewhere as a “Havana Syndrome” victim.

The “Havana Syndrome” has been widely covered by legacy media. It refers to what has been termed as “mysterious” attacks on CIA and Embassy officials in China, Cuba and elsewhere — attacks which have been in some cases profoundly disabling.

The causes of the “Syndrome” remain in dispute, with some attributing them to covert directed energy and/or microwave attacks. As it now stands, the US government has passed a law recognizing and giving medical assistance to diplomats and officials who have been attacked in this manner. The US government continues to maintain the stance that other than the vetted officials, no US citizen is being attacked with this weaponry.

At this juncture, there are virtually thousands of US citizens who are claiming to have been so attacked, including NSA whistleblower extraordinaire William Binney. The US government continues to deny the veracity of these citizen claims, insinuating that those who make these claims are mentally ill.

As filed, the lawsuit contains fatal errors, which may result in its dismissal. For one, the lawsuit is named “First Amended Complaint,” which leads one to question where the original Complaint was lodged. In fact, it appears never to have been entered into the record.

However, the intrinsic problems with the lawsuit do not end there. While the lawsuit waxes on about covert weaponry, fusion centers and the terrorist watchlist, it falls down irrevocably in the section named “Causes of Action.” This section is pivotal to the success of any legal effort as it names (or should name) the laws that have been violated and therefore provide an underpinning for a successful legal action.

However, whoever constructed the lawsuit (and we will get to that in a moment) appeared not to understand what a “Cause of Action” is and how important this inclusion would be to a successful suit. The lawsuit lists a total of six “Causes of Action,” some of which are not causes of action and may end up rendering the lawsuit null and void. The lawsuit lists “Damages” as a cause of action (this is not a cause of action) and also lists “Mandamus” as a cause of action, which it is not — without a prior lower court government decision.

In other words, the lawsuit falls down in listing the laws broken which justify the suit.

Also of concern is the focus of the lawsuit on the alleged inclusion of what are called “targeted individuals” on the terrorist watchlist. The lawsuit seems to make an assumption that the inclusion takes place under the banner of “Non-Investigative Subjects.” However, when queried as to how this conclusion was reached, the attorney for the lawsuit, Ana Toledo, declined to respond. If one looks closely at the verbiage in the lawsuit, it appears that the lion’s share of the discussion (26 pages) relates to the alleged inclusion of individuals in the terrorist database. Very little verbiage (a total of around three pages) is given to the allegations of the use of “Havana-syndrome type” weapons against targeted individuals.

Going to the Causes of Action, which list the laws broken and thereby justifying the lawsuit, we come away with the impression that the sole basis for filing the lawsuit was 1) a failure of the government to timely reply to FOIA requests and 2) allegations of inclusion of the seventeen plaintiffs on the terrorist watchlist, for which no proof is provided.

The attorney for the lawsuit, Ana Toledo, was contacted with questions about the lawsuit, including the question as to its authorship. Given the sloppy construction of the lawsuit, this question would of necessity be asked, as it is possible that another party wrote the lawsuit and Toledo simply put her name on it.

Toledo neither confirmed nor denied this reporter’s questions, responding in the following manner—

Dear Ms. Phelan:

I have been awfully busy. Excuse my delay in responding.

I believe you have reached your own conclusions regarding the lawsuit and have nothing further to discuss about it.

Your tone is not conducive to a productive communication.

Best regards,

A. Toledo

Further queries were tendered as to her work history and her apparent hiatus from the practice of law between 2010 and 2019. No response was received.

The judge in this case requested a memorandum from both plaintiffs and defendants as to whether the venue (Southern District of Texas) was the correct venue for the lawsuit. In the first response filed by the government, the lawyer for the defendants stated that it was expected that the lawsuit would be dismissed “at the earliest stage” and was essentially comprised of “baseless allegations and conspiracy theories.” The venue was then discussed and both parties seemed to agree upon its locus of filing.

For a number of years, Targeted Justice has been claiming that it intends to file a class action lawsuit and has encouraged “targeted individuals” to join the organization. The fact that a lawsuit is now on file naming only seventeen defendants has surprised some of the members, many of whom paid a donation on joining the organization.

Targeted Justice is currently being sued by its former legal director, John Christiana. His lawsuit, filed in both Arizona (the former locus of Targeted Justice) and Texas (its current locus) alleges that the organization has attempted to encourage targets in “doxxing” public officials for the alleged purposes of creating legal difficulties for the targets. The doxxing claims come from the fact that Targeted Justice publicly lists names and home addresses of public officials which the organization claims are involved in the use of weaponry and/or gangstalking of ordinary citizens. The lawsuit also alleges a coordinated effort at defaming Christiana once he objected to the doxxing.

In fact, Christiana’s mother, Charlotte, who is ninety years old, received a demand letter signed by lawyer Ana Toledo and the principal with Targeted Justice, an “Owen Calvert” who also goes by the name of “Richard Lighthouse.” The letter, which was curiously not dated, demands over $3 million dollars from Jack’s mother, who is listed as a joint “tortfeaser” along with Jack. This reporter has reviewed the tracking information attached to the letter and believes it was sent on or around December 30, 2022, after the lawsuit against Targeted Justice was filed by Christiana.

In a subsequent letter to the “Targeted Individual Community,” Robert Brown, who is Targeted Justice’s defense attorney for the Arizona lawsuit against TJ, stated that Jack’s mother was known to be his sole support and therefore liable for the demanded damages. The letter from attorney Brown states “It is our understanding Christiana does not have any meaningful employment and he covers his living expenses, and any expenses related to a lawsuit, with money received from his mother.”

In fact, Jack Christiana, who has a MA in Legal Studies works more than one job and is currently also attending law school. He has told this reporter on prior occasions that he is working long hours in order to save money for a move from California to DC, where he intends to further his activism.

Christiana has responded to the letter, which he alleges constitutes elder abuse and extortion, by filing a restraining order against lawyer Ana Toledo and Owen Calvert, barring them from further contact with his mother. The hearing on this is pending.

In a recent interview, TJ attorney Ana Toledo spoke harshly of those she claims “defamed” Targeted Justice. Toledo put forward that those who are are critical of Targeted Justice are fronted by the CIA or NSA. She disputed claims by the interviewer that “Targeted Justice has done nothing but take money,” and claimed that she has “a really important endeavor, which is stopping this, (targeting) and making this work—the case—and… putting the elements of evidence out there …in order to have that list declared illegal and unconstitutional.”

I Talk on Sunday 5th February 2023 with Ana Toledo representative – Attorney for Targeted Justice

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet “jumped ship” and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan and Twitter @JanetPhelan14. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan.



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Cook County Chicago Illinois County Judge Shauna L Boliker exposed for possible bribery

Cook County Chicago Illinois County Judge shauna louise boliker and Lisa Casanova Public Guardian exposed for possible bribery

Following the disclosure of Judge Shauna L. Boliker’s considerable loan history, with concerns voiced that these loans are in fact a vehicle for bribery, the Cook County Recorder has now made this information unavailable. You can read the initial article containing the data on these loans here

Today’s search, again using her husband’s name, came up with NOTHING! NONE of the hits relate to the appropriate party!

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View22213213518/1/20227/28/2022RELEASEMORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INCANDREWS MARK DAVID200155710317-17-235-019-1138

View 22209420227/28/20227/11/2022WARRANTY DEED$375,000.00ANDREWS MARK DAVIDTRUONG NORMA E17-17-235-019-1138

View 20015571031/15/20201/7/2020MORTGAGE$306,000.00ANDREWS MARK DAVIDMORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC222132135117-17-235-019-1138

View 19074490263/15/20192/22/2019MORTGAGE$303,600.00ANDREWS MARK DAVIDMORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC200360603017-17-235-019-1138

View 19074490253/15/20192/13/2019WARRANTY DEED$330,000.00DELM ALISENANDREWS MARK DAVID17-17-235-019-1138
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We have an epidemic of crime in America being committed by the ABA (a gang) with members who swear an oath to their own not justice or the people they serve.

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HELP Stop the forced Dangerous Haldol Drugging of a Mother fighting for her children

Elizabeth Harding Weinstein drugged to death
December 12 2022

Haloperidol is a typical antipsychotic drug. This drug is still widely used in emergency medicine, psychiatry, and general medicine departments. It is mostly used for acute confusional state, psychotic disorders, agitation, delirium, and aggressive behaviour. Overdose of haloperidol can cause sudden deaths. Cardiopulmonary arrest related to use of haloperidol had been reported in literature as case reports but are very few. No such cases have been reported in India till now. We report a case of cardiac arrest due to the use of haloperidol.

Case number is 900327-22
Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
More on Elizabeth Harding Weinstein

Forced deadly Drugging of Haldol on Elizabeth Harding Weinstein

Court Watch: Lizzie to be Involuntarily Drugged

Virtual Hearing (apparently) Open to Public

Who: Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
What: Hearing in New York Court to order her to be drugged over her objection
When: Monday, December 12, 2022 at 10:30 AM EST / 7:30 AM PST
Where: LIVE STREAM LINK. Passcode: 1212.

Below is from Barbara Stone via email:

Background: As many of you know, Lizzie Harding Weinstein was falsely incarcerated using a void illegal ‘restraining order”. The void order had expired but as we know, our country is lawless. So now, the government has kidnapped her into a “psyche” facility to obtain more money from the federal government to traffic her. The psyche facility is seeking to hold her longer than “ordered” by void order. This hearing is so they can keep her kidnapped and forcibly drug her.

WE NEED MASSIVE attendance at the virtual hearing.

I thought each of us would have to register but I pre-registered and it seems like everyone can use the same link that was sent to me below.

If it becomes necessary for everyone to separately register,, I have and will send the instructions and have included them below for those who would like to separately .

Others can see if this link below works for access on Monday and If not, I will call the court and try to resolve any issues. Keep me posted with any issues.

link with the passcode: 1212.

This is what I received when I registered:

Your request to view the following virtual court appearance was approved:
Appearance Date: Monday, December 12, 2022
Court: Rockland County Supreme Court
Case Caption: In the matter of Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
Case Number: 900327-22
Party Name: Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
The live stream can be accessed at link with the passcode: 1212.
Any user may use this public link and public passcode to access this proceeding from any computer or internet enabled device.

Thank you.

These are instructions to separately register:
1. Go to NYCOURTS.GOV – New York State Unified Court System
2. in the third column at the end is a place to click for “public access to virtual appearance”
3. Click ther and it will take u to the page shown below.
4. Fill in the information needed about your email, name etc.
5. For the case info,the county is Rockland.
6. The date is December 12, 2022
7. Click the eye next to the “court” – the court is grayed out but when u click the eye or search bar, there will be a pop up that gives you the option to click Rockland county supreme court.
8. The case number is 900327-22
9. the name is Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
10. then submit.
11. then there is a submit confirmation for you to click
12. You will then get a receipt like shown below that I received that confirms your request has been received.
13. Hopefully, we will all receive a link to the hearing after this is processed.

Please everyone follow these steps and let’s FLOOD the court with our requests to appear.
Please email or text me with any issues that you may have.

Thank you

Post Modern Media Justice Project

December 13, 2022

Lizzie Update – No Ruling Yet, But It Doesn’t Look Good

Criminals of the court drugging Elizabeth Weinstein Harding to death

Yesterday’s installment of the shit-show was a hearing to determine whether Lizzie will be involuntarily medicated over her objections. While the Court supplied us with a link to the virtual hearing, it was without audio. A mere oversight, I’m sure.

I spoke with Lizzie last night. The result of the hearing was basically a continuance for 1 week. But it is not looking good. Apparently Lizzie has been “diagnosed” with schizophrenia, so bad that she is unable to assist in her own “treatment.” This, after being found unable to assist in her own legal defense.
Lizzie informs me that they intend to start shooting her up with Haldol.

Lizzie is not schizophrenic, nor does she have any mental illness whatsoever. My ex mother in law, and my ex sister in law were both schizophrenic, I know what it looks and sounds like. My ex mother in law, for example, was constantly speaking with and recoiling from angels and devils and messengers from the spirit world. She was relentlessly angry with all of us mere mortals who simply could not see the cast of characters that tormented her day in and day out.

As anyone can learn by listening to any of her many interviews, Elizabeth Harding Weinstein is perfectly normal, and highly intelligent. Her “crime” is that she dared to accuse her uber-powerful lawyer ex husband of pedophilia. Lizzie was also opposed to masking mandates, and is generally a believer in human liberty. As such, she is an enemy of the state.

It is time to abolish the government, as the Declaration of Independence informs us we have the right to do.
Post Modern Media Project


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Get Involved Now

get involved with courtvictim com

Most people don’t want to believe what is going on in ALL our courts in America today.
The fact is getting a legal BAR license is a license to steal in America nothing to do with justice, law, rights or ethics.
What kind of person becomes a lawyer and ignores the fact that most of their law school friends and associates are criminals who rob and steal for a living. They get away with it because they all hide behind fake images like photos of them standing in front of a bookcase or legal books and the American flag. The fact is words like justice, law, rights, freedoms, equality mean nothing. They’re totally useless and victims don’t realize this until they try and use their rights or demand laws be upheld. Judges are the key and like the scum and frauds most of them are they hide like cowards and criminals from the Supreme court down behind these fake images and impunity.


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Richard I. Fine LIVE broadcast Amend SBX 211 get restitution for Court Victims and start change against a totally corrupt legal system

Richard I Fine speaks out about Amend SBX211 Get court victims restitution and justice help pass this bill

Make sure to LISTEN IN AND WATCH LIVE “Richard I. Fine” the American lawyer who took a stand against the BAR and the judges in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Richard created a Bill to Amend SBX211 to help the victims. If this bill passes in California with your help it can ALSO BE USED in all the other states with minor alterations. It was designed that way. However we need to pass it and get it into the system for it to work. Please tune in today and share this so we get some change.
See this page to view the show
Today June 23, 2022 at 6:30PM CST

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Excellent free source to get attention to your case via SEO (Search Engine Optimized content) that often ranks on the top page of searches
no cost and offshore hosted to stop dishonest courts from extortion and removal of “freedom of speech” and the truth.

Court Victim Support
America has a corruption problem that starts at the American Bar. American’s are fooled via propaganda into believing they have rights, equality and freedom. Problem is if you try to use those promises you quickly find out they don’t exist. Every aspect of the media has been taken over and if your experiences or beliefs don’t go along with the government agenda their called fake news. The fact that a gang (American BAR) has manipulated and changed the so called justice system which should be based on rights, law, evidence, facts and witnesses statements into a profit system for BAR members. This is what happens when you let the criminals running things make the rules and laws. BAR members give themselves impunity and authority over rights and laws. Police never question a judge’s command because of the obviously biased relationship. Thus dishonest police rarely go to prison or receive fair punishment. The same can be said about judges who are allowed to retire or do a fraction of their prison time at a comfortable, plush federal prison. But worse the MAJORITY of thousands of judges never get any punishment and continue to abuse, steal and cheat the public out of justice.

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Ernest L. Moore is the creator of The Justice Channel in Los Angeles, California. It was originally a video show on Time Warner Cable TV Public Access.  Most of the media for the Justice Channel has been produced and edited by Ernest L. Moore.

The Justice Channel brings you the information that you do not hear or see from the mainstream media. TJCLA is making a stand against the propaganda that dominates most of the mainstream media today.

Court Victim Support
Join fellow court victim and activist Ernest Moore of Los Angeles CA to expose what happened to his family and thousands of others with podcasts, YouTube, news and petitions

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The Trustees’ Hostile Conspiracy Against Bradford Disney Lund & His Arizona Family

Court Victim Support
Judicial Abuse is NOT about how much lawyer you can afford, it’s about fraud, perjury and violation of law and rights for profit. Lawyers creating legal fees and stealing estates from anyone they can. Courts are weaponized to steal and because the judge is a criminal who does not follow law or rights means that no amount of law, legislation, rights or legal fees stop them.
Join Sherry and Bradford Lund in their battle for Justice

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