Targeted Justice Files Lawsuit Alleging Crimes Against US Citizens, Is it a Bombshell or a Fizzle? by Janet Phelan

Targeted Justice Files Lawsuit Alleging Crimes Against US Citizens Is it a Bombshell or a Fizzle by Janet Phelan
By Janet Phelan
On January 12, 2023, Targeted Justice, which holds itself out as a resource for those who claim to be targeted with covert weaponry, filed a lawsuit in US District Court claiming that FBI head Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland—among others—are responsible for these attacks on selected US citizens. The lawsuit cites the “Havana Syndrome” and at least one of the plaintiffs, a Dr. Len Ber, has been cited elsewhere as a “Havana Syndrome” victim.

The “Havana Syndrome” has been widely covered by legacy media. It refers to what has been termed as “mysterious” attacks on CIA and Embassy officials in China, Cuba and elsewhere — attacks which have been in some cases profoundly disabling.

The causes of the “Syndrome” remain in dispute, with some attributing them to covert directed energy and/or microwave attacks. As it now stands, the US government has passed a law recognizing and giving medical assistance to diplomats and officials who have been attacked in this manner. The US government continues to maintain the stance that other than the vetted officials, no US citizen is being attacked with this weaponry.

At this juncture, there are virtually thousands of US citizens who are claiming to have been so attacked, including NSA whistleblower extraordinaire William Binney. The US government continues to deny the veracity of these citizen claims, insinuating that those who make these claims are mentally ill.

As filed, the lawsuit contains fatal errors, which may result in its dismissal. For one, the lawsuit is named “First Amended Complaint,” which leads one to question where the original Complaint was lodged. In fact, it appears never to have been entered into the record.

However, the intrinsic problems with the lawsuit do not end there. While the lawsuit waxes on about covert weaponry, fusion centers and the terrorist watchlist, it falls down irrevocably in the section named “Causes of Action.” This section is pivotal to the success of any legal effort as it names (or should name) the laws that have been violated and therefore provide an underpinning for a successful legal action.

However, whoever constructed the lawsuit (and we will get to that in a moment) appeared not to understand what a “Cause of Action” is and how important this inclusion would be to a successful suit. The lawsuit lists a total of six “Causes of Action,” some of which are not causes of action and may end up rendering the lawsuit null and void. The lawsuit lists “Damages” as a cause of action (this is not a cause of action) and also lists “Mandamus” as a cause of action, which it is not — without a prior lower court government decision.

In other words, the lawsuit falls down in listing the laws broken which justify the suit.

Also of concern is the focus of the lawsuit on the alleged inclusion of what are called “targeted individuals” on the terrorist watchlist. The lawsuit seems to make an assumption that the inclusion takes place under the banner of “Non-Investigative Subjects.” However, when queried as to how this conclusion was reached, the attorney for the lawsuit, Ana Toledo, declined to respond. If one looks closely at the verbiage in the lawsuit, it appears that the lion’s share of the discussion (26 pages) relates to the alleged inclusion of individuals in the terrorist database. Very little verbiage (a total of around three pages) is given to the allegations of the use of “Havana-syndrome type” weapons against targeted individuals.

Going to the Causes of Action, which list the laws broken and thereby justifying the lawsuit, we come away with the impression that the sole basis for filing the lawsuit was 1) a failure of the government to timely reply to FOIA requests and 2) allegations of inclusion of the seventeen plaintiffs on the terrorist watchlist, for which no proof is provided.

The attorney for the lawsuit, Ana Toledo, was contacted with questions about the lawsuit, including the question as to its authorship. Given the sloppy construction of the lawsuit, this question would of necessity be asked, as it is possible that another party wrote the lawsuit and Toledo simply put her name on it.

Toledo neither confirmed nor denied this reporter’s questions, responding in the following manner—

Dear Ms. Phelan:

I have been awfully busy. Excuse my delay in responding.

I believe you have reached your own conclusions regarding the lawsuit and have nothing further to discuss about it.

Your tone is not conducive to a productive communication.

Best regards,

A. Toledo

Further queries were tendered as to her work history and her apparent hiatus from the practice of law between 2010 and 2019. No response was received.

The judge in this case requested a memorandum from both plaintiffs and defendants as to whether the venue (Southern District of Texas) was the correct venue for the lawsuit. In the first response filed by the government, the lawyer for the defendants stated that it was expected that the lawsuit would be dismissed “at the earliest stage” and was essentially comprised of “baseless allegations and conspiracy theories.” The venue was then discussed and both parties seemed to agree upon its locus of filing.

For a number of years, Targeted Justice has been claiming that it intends to file a class action lawsuit and has encouraged “targeted individuals” to join the organization. The fact that a lawsuit is now on file naming only seventeen defendants has surprised some of the members, many of whom paid a donation on joining the organization.

Targeted Justice is currently being sued by its former legal director, John Christiana. His lawsuit, filed in both Arizona (the former locus of Targeted Justice) and Texas (its current locus) alleges that the organization has attempted to encourage targets in “doxxing” public officials for the alleged purposes of creating legal difficulties for the targets. The doxxing claims come from the fact that Targeted Justice publicly lists names and home addresses of public officials which the organization claims are involved in the use of weaponry and/or gangstalking of ordinary citizens. The lawsuit also alleges a coordinated effort at defaming Christiana once he objected to the doxxing.

In fact, Christiana’s mother, Charlotte, who is ninety years old, received a demand letter signed by lawyer Ana Toledo and the principal with Targeted Justice, an “Owen Calvert” who also goes by the name of “Richard Lighthouse.” The letter, which was curiously not dated, demands over $3 million dollars from Jack’s mother, who is listed as a joint “tortfeaser” along with Jack. This reporter has reviewed the tracking information attached to the letter and believes it was sent on or around December 30, 2022, after the lawsuit against Targeted Justice was filed by Christiana.

In a subsequent letter to the “Targeted Individual Community,” Robert Brown, who is Targeted Justice’s defense attorney for the Arizona lawsuit against TJ, stated that Jack’s mother was known to be his sole support and therefore liable for the demanded damages. The letter from attorney Brown states “It is our understanding Christiana does not have any meaningful employment and he covers his living expenses, and any expenses related to a lawsuit, with money received from his mother.”

In fact, Jack Christiana, who has a MA in Legal Studies works more than one job and is currently also attending law school. He has told this reporter on prior occasions that he is working long hours in order to save money for a move from California to DC, where he intends to further his activism.

Christiana has responded to the letter, which he alleges constitutes elder abuse and extortion, by filing a restraining order against lawyer Ana Toledo and Owen Calvert, barring them from further contact with his mother. The hearing on this is pending.

In a recent interview, TJ attorney Ana Toledo spoke harshly of those she claims “defamed” Targeted Justice. Toledo put forward that those who are are critical of Targeted Justice are fronted by the CIA or NSA. She disputed claims by the interviewer that “Targeted Justice has done nothing but take money,” and claimed that she has “a really important endeavor, which is stopping this, (targeting) and making this work—the case—and… putting the elements of evidence out there …in order to have that list declared illegal and unconstitutional.”

I Talk on Sunday 5th February 2023 with Ana Toledo representative – Attorney for Targeted Justice

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet “jumped ship” and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan and Twitter @JanetPhelan14. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan.



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Arizona Senate Moves Reform To Probate Courts

Court Victim Community CALL TO ACTION
Arizona Senate Moves Reform To Probate Courts

We just received this article. It is getting more coverage in AZ. We need the AZ American State Nationals to distribute this news. The press release is below.

People can contact:

Senator John Kavanagh vog.gelzaobfsctd-32729e@hganavaKJ 602-926-5170
Representative Quang H. Nguyen vog.gelzaobfsctd-272c08@neyugnQ 602-926-3258
Senator Anthony Kern (Chairman) vog.gelzaobfsctd-3d917b@nreKA 602-926-3497

We will send you the Roster of the Legislators. It would help if people sent emails to all of them. Our bills go to the House of Representatives now. We want people to speak at the hearings. They can look up our bills on the Leg website.

The SB1038 Probate Advisory Panel bill will allow a panel to be set up, mostly of citizens who will analyze the problems with the probate courts and recommend changes to the Legislators.

SB1291 is the Probate Guardianship and Conservatorship Policies and Procedures bill. It is extensive and written to protect the person’s rights to due process:

to protect their rights to appoint their own attorney,

to have the court follow their directives regarding who they want to help them if they need a G or C,

to a jury trial before their freedom is taken away, or their property is seized or taken,

to make sure that the guardian cannot refuse visitation of the loved one, if they do, they have to have documented evidence that the person would be harmed, the guardian can be removed and sanctioned for filing false claims,

to make sure that the attorney fully informs the client of their rights, if they do not, they will be removed and sanctioned,

There is more, but these are the highlights of this bill.

One very important thing that we ask that people tell the Legislators is that the laws that currently are in place are not being followed by the judges. People’s rights are violated every day. What is going to be done to ensure that the judges follow the laws and uphold the rights of the people?

Let’s put the pressure on the Legislators to take the “absolute immunity” and “qualified immunity” away from the judges, attorneys and fiduciaries! You will see things change if they know that they are going to be held accountable for violating the laws and the rights of the people.

The movement is on!



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Fit mother denied any contact for over 600 days with her 5-year-old twins, violating civil rights under the color of law, placing children with a Father with a prior murder conviction, 5 DUI arrests, history of domestic violence with 3 counts of battery charges.

This is a Call to Action to remove Judge Donna Geck from the bench of the Santa Barbara County Superior Court, as she is harming children and denying due process.

Judge Geck is a Judicial Officer for the Anacapa Division, Santa Barbara, California, who has a plethora of complaints against her rulings in the cases she oversees: Civil, Criminal, Family Law, Juvenile, Probate, Appeals, and Small Claims.

The 3-year-old twins (now 5) were placed in full custody of the father when the mother requested permission from the court to move with the children to the next county 30 miles away. Geck did not grant the move away. Geck had full knowledge of the father’s criminal history when she placed the children with the father full time. Geck then denied an evidentiary hearing when requested by the mother to regain her custody once the move was denied. The failure of Due Process has continued.

The mother then filed a motion to reconsider to regain custody of her young children in which Geck denied again.

This mother has done everything she can to show pertinent information to the court so that it may rule for the best interest of the children. Mother has been denied all access to Due Process.

It is clear the father still currently suffers from substance abuse with a tenured criminal history of arrests the past 23 years. Father’s 1st of 5 DUI arrests was in 1990 when driving drunk with an open container. The run in with the law continued, including a 2002 DUI that resulted with him crashing his car into a residential home at the age of 35. Then a drunk in public 2003, and shortly thereafter, November 2003, he killed a father of three and injured four passengers who sustained lifelong injuries and was convicted of felony manslaughter DUI hit-and-run. Father currently has a pending Felony DUI case for the 5th time, May 2019. As recent as December 2021, the father failed multiple monitored breathalyzer Sober link tests, and did not complete the program while the minor children have been in his care.

Among the variety of divisions, the one commonality The People’s complaints against Judge Geck have been, is her failure to honor Due Process.

A vast number of individuals’ civil rights have been infringed upon by Judge Geck’s blatant disregard to uphold the law of Due Process.

WE, The People, have the right to be heard under our 14th amendment of the constitution to protect the citizens from actions taken by state, government, counties, towns, and cities.

Most concerning is the innocent children without a voice suffering and being harmed from the wake of negligence of the law – not following Due Process.

Geck acts beyond her jurisdiction, ignores penal, civil, family codes, precedents, statues of court rules, and engages in severe unlawful measures to silence and suppress The People who have been wronged by her rulings of failure to Due Process.

The links below provide some of the countless complaints from the victims of Judge Geck. We The People, must act to protect our defenseless children against the abuse of power wielded by Judge Geck’s blatant disregard for Due Process. Her reign of terror on The People must stop now to prevent future victims and aid in the current victim’s rights being restored.

Please stand with me, for the sake of our children’s well-being and safety, and sign this petition. Every signature counts. The People have the right to Due Process. These five- year-old twins have the right to be safe.

There is currently an open investigation with the Commission on Judicial Performance Committee (CJP) with the State of California for Judge Geck’s misconduct. This petition will be presented to the CJP hearing, end of March 2023.

Every signature counts in this effort for justice for The People. We need to stand together to be heard to create change, seek justice, and protect our Civil Rights.

If you have been a victim of Judge Geck, please share your story in the comment section below or on one of the victim links below.

Our voices are stronger together, WE have the right to be heard!

Media, press, and advocates: regarding specifics of “Fit mother denied contact with her 5-year-old twins for over 600 days”, please directly email inquiries to: em.notorpobfsctd-938b2b@ssecorpeudotthgiR



Robing Room Reviews Santa Barbara County California Judge Donna D Geck

Due process legal update: UC Santa Barbara found in contempt of court

Judge Donna D. Geck information on Court Victims directory

FACEBOOK Victims Group for Judge Donna D. Geck

Ballotpedia Online site information on Judge Donna D. Geck

UGLYJUDGE judge, lawyer, police and government directory exposes Judge Donna D. Geck

If you are a victim of Santa Barbara County California Judge Donna D. Geck and wish to provide information or get help, please use the below form. Your identity will remain private and secure. Thank you


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Cook County Chicago Illinois County Judge Shauna L Boliker exposed for possible bribery

Cook County Chicago Illinois County Judge shauna louise boliker and Lisa Casanova Public Guardian exposed for possible bribery

Following the disclosure of Judge Shauna L. Boliker’s considerable loan history, with concerns voiced that these loans are in fact a vehicle for bribery, the Cook County Recorder has now made this information unavailable. You can read the initial article containing the data on these loans here

Today’s search, again using her husband’s name, came up with NOTHING! NONE of the hits relate to the appropriate party!

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View22213213518/1/20227/28/2022RELEASEMORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INCANDREWS MARK DAVID200155710317-17-235-019-1138

View 22209420227/28/20227/11/2022WARRANTY DEED$375,000.00ANDREWS MARK DAVIDTRUONG NORMA E17-17-235-019-1138

View 20015571031/15/20201/7/2020MORTGAGE$306,000.00ANDREWS MARK DAVIDMORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC222132135117-17-235-019-1138

View 19074490263/15/20192/22/2019MORTGAGE$303,600.00ANDREWS MARK DAVIDMORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC200360603017-17-235-019-1138

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We have an epidemic of crime in America being committed by the ABA (a gang) with members who swear an oath to their own not justice or the people they serve.

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Court Victim Chat Join the Court Victim Community Today

1. Add your info to our database HERE
2. Join the Court Victim Community
3. Add your case details if your ready to go public at COURT VICTIM where victims can host online their info to be found by other victims as well be found by the press and others. This will help others avoid the same fate.

Once you get your info into our database to help all victims prove beyond a doubt that there there is a pattern of abuse. We estimate over 3 million people every year are victimized by the epidemic of Judicial Corruption going on which hides behind court room walls in every city and state in America. Billions are stolen by judges and legal law firms who buy justice by bribing judges via Bank loans that are never paid back by the judges. See HOW TO RESEARCH YOUR JUDGE to prove your judge is on the take by exposing their financial records. Those records when provided to the court may just get your dishonest judge removed.

Stay in touch with other nationwide court victims by registering with the COURT VICTIM COMMUNMITY where court victims are being organized by county and state. Make sure you’re kept aware of legal changes, how to courses, pro bono lawyers and other victims so you can network and support each other in your own state.

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Court Gate Divorced from the Law By Elaine Mickman

Court Gate Book Divorced from the law Elaine Mickman




Basic Story:

What happens when there’s a “tale of too much corruption” and the judiciary doesn’t apply the law? departs from law?… doesn’t comply with the law?…..abandons the Constitution and law?….inserts their own law?….This true memoir reports the experiences of an unsuspecting woman who encountered court cases where the judiciary was “divorced from the law”.
After the court system “asset-stripped” this woman and “perfected injustice”, the court ordered-away and canceled-out her Constitutional Rights to silence her and censor her cases plagued with fraud and “cover-ups” by “gatekeeping” her court-access, amounting to nothing less than a “judicial-hit-job.” The book is intended to inform and educate the public,
and “sound an alarm” to prompt positive reform.

Detailed version:

Elaine Mickan’s Book
“Divorced From the Law”
Book Court-Gate the Courts Divorced from the Law Without Liberty or Justice at all

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How to Research Your Judge Course January 2023

Phelan Janet Court Victim Community Course HOW TO RESEARCH YOUR JUDGE 2023


2023 28 January class Please contact me if interested.
Here is another case where this research had a profound effect. Justice in the Time of Corona – Activist Post (SEE BELOW) Justice in the Time of Corona – Activist Post

The first class for 2023 on HOW TO RESEARCH YOUR JUDGE will be held on January 28 at 2 pm Central Time. As we continue to reel under judicial oppression, with ostensibly no legal recourse, this research has proven, time and time again, to make an impact in cases where judges are ignoring the law and the human and civil rights of litigants.

The class remains at the very low registration fee of $30. If you are unable to pay that, please contact me directly as fee waivers are available. We need an army of people doing this research, which can show that judges are compromised and are throwing cases and being paid off, under the table, to do so.

This is not justice. This is a charade of justice. Please join us on January 14 and start to make a difference in your case, our legal system.

Now imagine if we had a whole “army” of people doing this research. Imagine the effect we could have on cases where justice appears to have gone South.

This case took place in another money-intensive court setting, which is federal tax court. Although the judge was moving to sanction the litigant and had, in fact, issued a ruling which would have financially demolished him, the entire case screeched to a halt after this article hit the press. The litigant is still happily living on his farm in the South, working at a high level in an engineering capacity, and still refusing to pay his taxes. And no longer being hauled into court on the non payment of the judge these. The judge here, Michael B. Thornton, did what other judges have done when the facts of their finances are brought to light—he just slunk off and did nothing further to assail the litigant.


Comments or questions are welcome.

* indicates required field

Justice in the Time of Corona


By Janet Phelan

“I discovered to my joy, that it is life, not death, that has no limits.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of Cholera

One of the casualties of Covid-19 has been our system of justice. The First Amendment to the Constitution, granting freedom of assembly, freedom to practice one’s chosen religion, and even freedom of speech is being trampled upon in the face of the corona crisis. The fact that this illness may possibly be no more dangerous than the seasonal flu pandemics of recent years is not apparently part of the national dialogue.

Michigan recently issued an order for all nonessential workers to stay home, citing the potential to arrest violators on misdemeanor charges. In that state, misdemeanors carry a punishment of up to a year in jail. Other states have issued similar orders, and in Washington DC and elsewhere, you can be jailed and fined for leaving your house. A recent Los Angeles Times article detailed the arrest of a paddle boarder on the coast off of Malibu, among other violators.

Well, we don’t want him infecting the fish, right?

In many states, courts are now closed. The DOJ has asked Congress for the suspension of habeas corpus and for the right to detain suspects indefinitely without trial.

Other legal rights are under attack. According to this article, an effort is afoot in California to waive transparency laws.

Noting that city resources and personnel are stretched thin responding to the pandemic, the executive director of the League of California Cities asked (Governor) Newsom last week to “take immediate action to pause certain statutory requirements.”

These “statutory requirements” include the public records act and financial disclosures of public officials.

While we are watching our legal protections swirl down the toilet, it is important to remember that they are really pretty illusory. In one recent instance, and in an apparent effort to obscure information relating to a human experimentation project being forcibly inflicted on psychiatric inmates, UCLA Hospitals and Clinics ignored their legal obligations under the California Public Records Act — long before the corona crisis hit.

All was not well in our justice system prior to corona. Fundamentally, our system of justice relies on the integrity of our judges. Long before the corona crisis hit, hard hitting questions were emerging referencing the mounting evidence that state court judges were routinely receiving bribes and pay-offs. It is now appearing that federal judges can be added to the list of those who are similarly self-enriching at the cost of justice.

The revelations that somewhere in the realm of two- thirds of state court probate judges researched had loan histories redolent of money laundering and bribe taking are now being echoed in other “high stakes” courts.

By “high stakes” here we mean courts through which money flows like a virtual waterfall. With 30 trillion dollars set to be transferred from the baby boomers to their heirs, and much of these funds now diverted through adult guardianship courts, these proceedings can certainly be thought of as “high stakes.”

(For those not yet aware of the concerns prompted by probate judges’ excessive loan activities, this brief Russia Today interview lays out the territory)

Tax court could be considered another money-rich venue. A recent investigation of a federal tax court judge, the Honorable Michael B. Thornton, has raised questions as to his loan activity, which appears to be excessive and of concern.

Thornton, who was at one time Chief Tax Court Judge, has been serving as a judge for over twenty years. During this time span, Thornton has encumbered his personal residence with approximately $2.5 million in loans, loans which he pays back very quickly.

For example, the initial mortgage taken out on his property at time of purchase in 1999 was for $428,000 and was paid back in full by 2003. In the meantime, he again mortgaged the property in 2002 for $540,000, a loan which he paid back by 2004. The property was mortgaged twice in 2004—once for $609,000 and again for $592,000. It appears that the loan for $609,000 was satisfied within three years.

This is only a partial rendition of Thornton’s loan activity since he ascended to the bench.

As of 2019, Thornton makes $210,900 a year as a tax court judge. Do the math. Given his income and his loan burdens, is Judge Thornton even able to buy himself a hot dog for lunch?

Thornton’s wife is also employed, although interestingly enough Judge Thornton has asked the federal Committee on Financial Disclosure to redact her employer’s name from his publicly discloseable financial statements, which he is mandated to file each year. We nevertheless located Alexandra Thornton’s employer, which is the Center for American Progress, where she is working as Director of Tax Policy.

The Center for American Progress, which publicly details itself as “non-partisan,” was founded in 2003 by former Bill Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, who came again recently to national attention surrounding an email scandal involving leaked emails during his tenure as Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in her bid for the Presidency. Podesta was succeeded as head of CAP by Clinton loyalist Neera Tanden.

In fact, it is well known that the “non partisan” CAP was formed as a left wing think tank to counter the influence of the right wing Heritage Foundation. CAP is funded by The Carnegie Corporation, The Ford Foundation, George Soros, Bank of America, Rockefeller Family and Brothers Fund, and a plethora of other heavyweights.

Thornton’s actions on the bench have raised some concerns. In at least one case, Thornton has made decisions on the bench which directly violate due process rights. A petitioner in a case seated in Atlanta filed a motion to dismiss a Notice of Deficiency (NOD) issued by the IRS, alleging lack of jurisdiction. The original case was filed in March of 2018 and the motion to dismiss was filed on August 30, 2019. The response to the motion was filed by the respondent, the IRS Commissioner, on September 10 but never adjudicated by Judge Thornton. Instead, he went forward to trial, ignoring the problematic NOD when in fact the NOD was improperly issued.

The petitioner protested.

In an order dated August 22, 2019, Judge Thornton explicitly issued the following threat to the petitioner–

In Harriss vs. Commissioner supra, we warned petitioner that his continuing to advance frivolous or groundless arguments before this Court could result in substantial penalties in the future. Notwithstanding that warning, petitioner has continued to press the same frivolous and groundless arguments in his motion for summary judgment and in his reply to respondent’s response. We strongly warn petitioner again if he continues to press frivolous and groundless arguments before this Court he may expect a penalty pursuant to section 6673 of up to $25,000 for each of these cases.

In other words, if you keep protesting that your procedural rights are being violated you will be fined $50,000.

It has been eight months since the trial and Judge Thornton has yet to rule.

Thornton was contacted with questions about his loan history and also his failure to adjudicate a pending motion. He has not replied to either set of questions.

The head judge was contacted through the court’s media representative with questions about Thornton’s loan history and has not responded.

Thornton’s loan history, while concerning, is not unique. Using loans as a means to funnel bribes to public officials appears to be very widespread. As justice in the US has been compromised through this and other practices, our mounting concerns about the most recent attack on our justice system through the coronavirus crisis needs to be put in perspective. While it certainly appears that our rights are being taken away, it is more than likely that we did not have the rights in the first place. Not a jolly thought but possibly an important one to remember.

There is a positive side to all this, however. As increasingly people are becoming alarmed at the creeping fascism attached to the official corona virus response, we are seeing that more and more people are asking questions as to what is the motive and intent behind this draconian assault on civil liberties. To paraphrase Paul Anka, “Waking Up is Hard To Do” and we now see people doing so in droves. If we have any possibility of reinstating a free and just society, public knowledge and awareness are absolutely critical.


Janet Phelan is an investigative journalist and author of the groundbreaking exposé, EXILE. Her articles previously appeared in such mainstream venues as the Los Angeles Times, Orange Coast Magazine, Long Beach Press Telegram, etc. In 2004, Janet “jumped ship” and now exclusively writes for independent media. She is also the author of two collections of poetry—The Hitler Poems and Held Captive. She resides abroad. You are invited to support her work on Buy Me A Coffee here:

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Freedom Enough Call-in Radio Show Podcast Legal Expert Voluntaryist Alexander Baker

Freedom Enough Sunday Call-in Radio Show Podcast Legal Expert Voluntaryist Alexander Baker

Freedom Enough

New Sunday Call-in Radio Show and Podcast with Legal Expert and Voluntaryist Alexander Baker

I am pleased to announce my new Sunday call-in talk show. (Call-in numbers below). From the Supreme Court down to Family Court, you have no rights and there is no law. Let’s talk about how we were screwed over in court, and what we need to do about this whole situation.

If you are interested in being a featured guest, contact me.zz

Who: Alexander C. Baker, J.D. – your legal expert.
What: Freedom Enough. Abolishing the government…one conversation at a time.
When: Sundays 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific / 7 PM GMT
Where: Speak Free Radio
Where else: Streaming on Facebook and Twitter
Why: Because you want to be free.

Speak Free Radio – Call-in numbers:

US +1 605 562 0400

(More US numbers: 605-475-4120 | 605-562-8400 | 605-562-8401 | 712-832-8330 | 712-832-8599 | 717-275-8940)

UK +44 333 011 0616
Australia +61 8 95203110
Belgium +32 2 808 76 34
Canada +1 587 405 1252
Finland +358 9 74790416
Germany +49 211 95987102
Hungary +36 1 848 0439
Ireland +353 1 437 0588
Netherlands +31 20 262 1918
Poland +48 22 116 86 89
Ukraine +380 89 320 2487

ACCESS CODE 811 7272 #


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HELP Stop the forced Dangerous Haldol Drugging of a Mother fighting for her children

Elizabeth Harding Weinstein drugged to death
December 12 2022

Haloperidol is a typical antipsychotic drug. This drug is still widely used in emergency medicine, psychiatry, and general medicine departments. It is mostly used for acute confusional state, psychotic disorders, agitation, delirium, and aggressive behaviour. Overdose of haloperidol can cause sudden deaths. Cardiopulmonary arrest related to use of haloperidol had been reported in literature as case reports but are very few. No such cases have been reported in India till now. We report a case of cardiac arrest due to the use of haloperidol.

Case number is 900327-22
Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
More on Elizabeth Harding Weinstein

Forced deadly Drugging of Haldol on Elizabeth Harding Weinstein

Court Watch: Lizzie to be Involuntarily Drugged

Virtual Hearing (apparently) Open to Public

Who: Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
What: Hearing in New York Court to order her to be drugged over her objection
When: Monday, December 12, 2022 at 10:30 AM EST / 7:30 AM PST
Where: LIVE STREAM LINK. Passcode: 1212.

Below is from Barbara Stone via email:

Background: As many of you know, Lizzie Harding Weinstein was falsely incarcerated using a void illegal ‘restraining order”. The void order had expired but as we know, our country is lawless. So now, the government has kidnapped her into a “psyche” facility to obtain more money from the federal government to traffic her. The psyche facility is seeking to hold her longer than “ordered” by void order. This hearing is so they can keep her kidnapped and forcibly drug her.

WE NEED MASSIVE attendance at the virtual hearing.

I thought each of us would have to register but I pre-registered and it seems like everyone can use the same link that was sent to me below.

If it becomes necessary for everyone to separately register,, I have and will send the instructions and have included them below for those who would like to separately .

Others can see if this link below works for access on Monday and If not, I will call the court and try to resolve any issues. Keep me posted with any issues.

link with the passcode: 1212.

This is what I received when I registered:

Your request to view the following virtual court appearance was approved:
Appearance Date: Monday, December 12, 2022
Court: Rockland County Supreme Court
Case Caption: In the matter of Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
Case Number: 900327-22
Party Name: Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
The live stream can be accessed at link with the passcode: 1212.
Any user may use this public link and public passcode to access this proceeding from any computer or internet enabled device.

Thank you.

These are instructions to separately register:
1. Go to NYCOURTS.GOV – New York State Unified Court System
2. in the third column at the end is a place to click for “public access to virtual appearance”
3. Click ther and it will take u to the page shown below.
4. Fill in the information needed about your email, name etc.
5. For the case info,the county is Rockland.
6. The date is December 12, 2022
7. Click the eye next to the “court” – the court is grayed out but when u click the eye or search bar, there will be a pop up that gives you the option to click Rockland county supreme court.
8. The case number is 900327-22
9. the name is Elizabeth Harding Weinstein
10. then submit.
11. then there is a submit confirmation for you to click
12. You will then get a receipt like shown below that I received that confirms your request has been received.
13. Hopefully, we will all receive a link to the hearing after this is processed.

Please everyone follow these steps and let’s FLOOD the court with our requests to appear.
Please email or text me with any issues that you may have.

Thank you

Post Modern Media Justice Project

December 13, 2022

Lizzie Update – No Ruling Yet, But It Doesn’t Look Good

Criminals of the court drugging Elizabeth Weinstein Harding to death

Yesterday’s installment of the shit-show was a hearing to determine whether Lizzie will be involuntarily medicated over her objections. While the Court supplied us with a link to the virtual hearing, it was without audio. A mere oversight, I’m sure.

I spoke with Lizzie last night. The result of the hearing was basically a continuance for 1 week. But it is not looking good. Apparently Lizzie has been “diagnosed” with schizophrenia, so bad that she is unable to assist in her own “treatment.” This, after being found unable to assist in her own legal defense.
Lizzie informs me that they intend to start shooting her up with Haldol.

Lizzie is not schizophrenic, nor does she have any mental illness whatsoever. My ex mother in law, and my ex sister in law were both schizophrenic, I know what it looks and sounds like. My ex mother in law, for example, was constantly speaking with and recoiling from angels and devils and messengers from the spirit world. She was relentlessly angry with all of us mere mortals who simply could not see the cast of characters that tormented her day in and day out.

As anyone can learn by listening to any of her many interviews, Elizabeth Harding Weinstein is perfectly normal, and highly intelligent. Her “crime” is that she dared to accuse her uber-powerful lawyer ex husband of pedophilia. Lizzie was also opposed to masking mandates, and is generally a believer in human liberty. As such, she is an enemy of the state.

It is time to abolish the government, as the Declaration of Independence informs us we have the right to do.
Post Modern Media Project


HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse


Vote no or live under a corrupt judicial system Governor Gavin Newsom did not support Los Angeles California Dr Richard I Fine bill amend SBX 2 11 to hold judges accountable






Richard I. Fine, Doctor of Law, Ph.D. Law (International Law), Chmn. Campaign for Judicial Integrity; Co Chmn. Judicial Reform Comm., DivorceCorp. explains: “Since the mid 1980s, California counties and Superior Courts have paid approximately 90% of the California Superior Court judges “supplemental or local judicial benefits” in addition to the judges State compensation. These payments are over $400 million. The Superior Court judges receiving the payments became California Court of Appeal and California Supreme Court justices corrupting the entire California judicial system.”

Fine continued: “In 2008 the California Courts held the payments violated Article 6, Section 19 of the California Constitution. The judges responded by hiring a lobbyist who engineered the enactment of SBX 2 11. SBX 211 made the payments temporally legal and gave California retroactive immunity from criminal prosecution, civil liability and disciplinary action to the judges who received the payments and the counties, county supervisors and employees who made the payments.”

Fine further stated: “The Superior Court judges are disqualified but sit on cases. Examples are: (1) child custody and family law cases; (2) class action cases; (3) conservator and elder cases; (4) constitutional cases; (5) contract cases; (6) criminal cases; (7) death, estate, and probate cases; (8) eminent domain cases; (9) environmental cases; (10) personal injury cases; (11) property cases; (12) regulation cases; (13) tax cases; (14) traffic cases; (15) trust cases; and (16) zoning cases, amongst others.”

Fine concluded: “The Campaign for Judicial Integrity with the cooperation of others drafted legislation which: (1) establishes a permanent independent state commission to oversee the judiciary and compensate the victims of judicial misconduct and judicial abuse of power; (2) establishes judicial term limits of 24 years; (3) requires all judges seeking re-election to appear on the ballot, even if unopposed; and (4) prevents judges who accepted illegal payments from further becoming judges or justices, amongst other things.”



HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse