Americans are being robbed by Hollywood, A bribed US Congress, ADL, rich Zionist criminals and a small group of people who are less than 3% of America who are out of control killing women and children to steal yet one more native people’s country via the use of American military support and stolen taxpayer funds in the form of over a trillion dollar. This all started when these evil criminals took over our government and it’s agencies such as the FBI, CIA and NSA. Which allowed the to assassinate 3 Kennedy’s, blow up the Twin towers to get the US to go to war with innocent Iraq which never had any weapons of mass destruction. U.S.S. Liberty and selling American military secrets via a traitor and criminal, Jonathan Pollard.

Join Taxpayers Against Genocide (TAG)

A Call to All Federal Income Taxpayers in the Greater Bay Area and Northern California

Richmond Progressive Alliance

PA 20th Anniversary Video


California Taxpayers File Class Action Lawsuit Against Congressional Reps, Demand Stop to Genocide Funding
“We Have to Act”: Taxpayers Suing Congress members for Funding Genocide Speak Out
Taxpayers Against Genocide Expands Legal Battle to International Stag
Taxpayers Suing US Reps for Funding Genocide
A New Track for Taxpayers Against Genocide
Class action lawsuit against California Congress members over Gaza genocide goes international

HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse

September 6 2023 A Day of Infamy for Justice in America

Los Angeles County California Government Corruption Criminals Stealing California Gavin Newsom Legislators

A bold headline! What does it mean?

September 6, 2023, is the last day that the California Legislature can amend pending California Assembly Judicial Committee Bill AB 1756, “Omnibus Judicial Legislation” to end thirty-seven (37) years of judicial corruption depriving California citizens and residents due process and an honest judicial system.

The judiciary illegally accepted approximately $1-1.1 billion from California counties and courts, in violation of the California Penal Code’s “bribe” and related sections, and the federal criminal law 18 U.S.C. Section 1346 – “The Intangible Right to Honest Services” under which “Bribery” is an element to prove.

The California Legislature has refused to stop the corruption for thirty-seven (37) years: (1) since 1985 when the “illegal payments” began; (2) 2000 when Richard I. Fine “discovered” the hidden illegal payments and exposed them in court documents; (3) 2008 when the California Court of Appeal held the payments violated the California Constitution; (4) immediately followed by 2009 when the California Judicial Council, the courts and the judges prevailed upon Darryl Steinberg, President pro Tempore of the California State Senate to falsely claim an Emergency Session of the State Legislature and pass SBX 2 11 in seven (7) days to reinstate the illegal payments on an “interim basis” and give the California Superior Court judges who accepted illegal payments and the counties and courts and employees who made the illegal payments, “retroactive immunity from California Criminal Prosecution, Civil Liability and Discipline” which Governor Schwarzenegger immediately signed; (5) 2010 when the California Court of Appeal ruled it was only the Legislature who could stop the illegal payments; and (6) 2015 when the California Court of Appeal again stated it was only the Legislature who could stop the illegal payments.

Commencing in 2020-2021, Richard I. Fine drafted and with others commenced sending draft legislation to the legislators and Governor Newsom, and contacting legislators to stop the illegal payments and the corruption.

The legislators refused to act.

In 2022 through the present, the last draft was sent numerous times and legislators and Governor Newsom were contacted.

The California Legislators and Governor Newsom are “Warring against the Constitution”.

After the draft amendment had been circulated to all the legislators and Governor Newsom, they continued to refuse their duty to even consider it. By acting so: (1) they breached their oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, including the First Amendment’s “right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”; and (2) they are “Warring against the Constitution.

See Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 18 (1958):

“No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it.”

Why is the Draft Legislation and the Legislature’s Refusal Important?

The draft legislation will: (1) remove the existing corruption in the Judicial Branch of the California Government; (2) Create a Permanent State Commission to Oversee the Judicial Branch of the California Government; (3) Compensate the Victims of Judicial Misconduct and Judicial Abuse of Power; (4) Establish Term Limits for Judges and Justices; (5) Prevent any Judge or Justice who received illegal payments from serving in a State elected or Appointed Office; and (6) Establish Retention Elections for all Trial Court Judges who are unopposed in their election to renew their judicial office.

What specifically is the corruption?

The corruption is California counties and courts paying money to the California State Superior (Trial Court) judges in addition to their California state compensation.

The payments are called “supplemental or local judicial benefit payments”. The payments are/or can be 29% or greater of the judge’s annual state compensation.

The payments are: (1) additional health and medical insurance for county employees under the “Cafeteria Plan” or the cash representing such plan; (2) money for educational development, usually $8,000.00 to $9,000.00 annually; and (3) 4-5% of the judge’s State salary paid into the judge’s 401K or 457K retirement plan annually.

The result of these payments added to the judge’s annual State salary places the judge’s annual salary equal to, or higher than, the salary of an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

These payments are criminal under the California Penal Code as “Bribes” and under 18 U.S.C Section 1346 (the intangible right to honest services.)

These payments were/are approximately $1-1.1 billion illegally paid to approximately 90% of California State Superior Court (Trial Court) judges from 1985 through the present.

How widespread is the corruption?

Over time, these trial court judges became: (1) California Court of Appeal justices and California Supreme Court justices, resulting in the California Court of Appeal and the California Supreme Court also being compromised; and (2) U.S. District Court judges and 9th Circuit Court of Appeal justices, resulting in the U.S. District Courts and the 9th Circuit Courts located in California also being compromised.

How does the “Draft Legislation” relate to Justice in America?

The “Draft Legislation” can be adopted by any State and expanded or reduced to encompass any “local” or State problem.

The “Draft Legislation” can be adopted by the U.S. Congress and expanded or reduced to encompass any federal problems.

Examples for immediate federal adoption to address the most pressing current problems in the current U.S. Supreme Court which are: (1) the U.S. Supreme Court does not have an ethical Code of Conduct to govern its affairs; (2) the U.S. Supreme Court does not have any law resolving the denial of due process to the unopposed Petitions for a Writ of Certiorari in which the facts of denial of due process are clearly shown in the Petition with the controlling U.S. Supreme Court precedents; (3) The U.S. Supreme Court decisions denying petitions for a Writ of Certiorari and Petitions for a rehearing based upon a “denial of due process” do not state reasons, thereby denying many Petitions, which should have been granted.

The “Draft Legislation” can be adopted to address these U.S. Supreme Court problems:

(1) by adding an ethical Code of Conduct to be applied to the United States Supreme Court;

(2) by adding a law stating as follows: “A per curiam decision granting the relief sought in an unopposed Petition for a Writ of Certiorari will be issued if the Petition states: (a) the facts of the alleged due process; and (b) the controlling United States Supreme Court precedent”; and

(3) by adding a law stating: “All decisions denying a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari or a Petition for a rehearing in which a denial of due process is raised, must state reasons for the denial with a controlling United States Supreme Court precedent”.


The American Judicial System is presently held in the lowest level of respect in its history.

Its Constitutional structure remains strong. However, it and the country are in a difficult period of contrasting ideological beliefs preventing the country from uniting for the common good.

Opportunities to move forward are squandered, as demonstrated by the actions of the California legislature which refuses to remove the corruption from the judicial branch of the State government, causing millions of California residents to needlessly suffer.

The same is true in the United States.

The draft legislation hopefully will move the country forward through its recognition of basic problems and developing solutions to those problems which can be adopted both by the states and the country.

Richard I. Fine, Doctor of Law, Ph.D. Law-International Law

Chairman, Campaign for Judicial Integrity; Co-Chairperson, Judicial Reform Committee, DivorceCorp.


Legislators will pass sham budget to protect their paychecks


SINCE 2013 3,467,732 PEOPLE


HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse

PODCAST RICHARD FINE Judicial Reform August 27, 2023

Podcast Help Support Richard I Fine Amend SBX 211 expose 90 percent of judges are bribed Los Angeles County California



This is a response to the systemic emergency judicial crisis in California existing since 1985 when individual counties and courts commenced paying State Superior Court judges sitting on State Superior Courts for their counties “supplemental or local judicial benefits” in addition to the State compensation (salary and benefits) paid to the judges by the State causing disparity in judges judicial salary and benefits, double taxation for citizens and residents in the “paying counties”, “unconstitutional (unlawful) ‘supplemental local judicial benefit payments’” to the judges resulting in 90% of California’s Superior Court judges receiving “bribes” under California and federal criminal laws;


  • Court Victims from cases since 1985
  • Civil, Criminal, Family, Juvenile, Probate, Appellate and Supreme Courts
  • What states are eligible, this bill needs to be initially in one state, after which it can be passed in all states


  • Read the Legislation HERE
  • victims get compensated starting at $1-10 million and cumulating, the judge who committed the misconduct is reported to the Commission on Judicial Performance who must complete its work within 6 months of the date of reporting and report monthly to the State Auditor who reports annually to the Legislature.
  • The Judge who committed the misconduct is reported to the Commission on Judicial Performance who MUST complete its work within 6 months of the date of reporting and report monthly to the State Auditor who reports annually to the Legislature.
  • The judges and justices are limited to a 24-year cumulative term for all offices held. Any


  • Write to your state senator, assembly person and Governor Newsom demanding the legislation be enacted, you can use the form letter below, how to find out who you need to write to
  • The reasons are the Successive Legislators have done nothing for 13 years since the Court held it was their job to solve the problem of the unlawful county and court payments to the State Superior Court judges, the State had the money with its near $100 billion budget surplus in 2022 and spent it on other programs, instead of passing the legislation which would commence directly compensating the victims of judicial corruption, install judicial term limits, remove judges who committed criminal acts, stop them from holding another elective office, and establishing a State Citizens Commission to Oversee the Judiciary.
  • They help by doing the same thing to get all political action groups like Common Cause, ACLU, Unions, Chambers of Commerce, Disability Groups, LBGT+ groups, etc. to put pressure on the Legislature and Governor.
  • These are actions that the “victims of judicial corruption and judicial abuse of power can take now”.
  • If I may use an analogy, when the lights go out in a stadium, thousands of individual candles bring light to the  stadium.

Remember, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead. We are that group
Also, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead.



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HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse


Help document a pattern of abuse of judicial corruption

The public does not believe judicial corruption is at an epidemic level of MILLIONS of court victims every year.
This is done via bribery (see research your judge for proof). Gag orders, sealing records, but all done illegally in violation of law. The problem is judges ignore all law, rights, legislation or code of canon and the commissions on judicial performance ignore it all. The legal BAR is useless and involved. We have allowed lawyers to weaponize our courts to steal, rob, extort money by forcing innocent parties into courts where the playing field is fixed (the judge is bribed to approve anything one side asks for and deny everything from the other). This is so common, it’s the norm. The only thing the public gets are fact terms “Justice, honor, oath, law, rights or due process”. We are dealing with the “Fox guarding the hen house” trusting lawyers to govern themselves, control their friend and associates, many who went to law school together. The judges hide behind a false image of good, protector or fair judge the ”Wolf in sheep’s clothing”  scam is taking place here.


Map national court victim database

It’s simple, safe and quick. Records can be changed if needed via using the email you provide.
This is NOT about providing your actual physical address, instead only to count court victims in each state and county. Email newsletter will be sent with news of protests, changes, legislation and court victims in your area. You have the option to not receive the newsletters.


HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse


Help support Dr Richard I fines Amend SBX 2 11 to stop judicial corruption



This is a response to the systemic emergency judicial crisis in California existing since 1985 when individual counties and courts commenced paying State Superior Court judges sitting on State Superior Courts for their counties “supplemental or local judicial benefits” in addition to the State compensation (salary and benefits) paid to the judges by the State causing disparity in judges judicial salary and benefits, double taxation for citizens and residents in the “paying counties”, “unconstitutional (unlawful) ‘supplemental local judicial benefit payments’” to the judges resulting in 90% of California’s Superior Court judges receiving “bribes” under California and federal criminal laws;


  • Court Victims from cases since 1985
  • Civil, Criminal, Family, Juvenile, Probate, Appellate and Supreme Courts
  • What states are eligible, this bill needs to be initially in one state after which it can be passed in all states


  • Read the Legislation HERE
  • victims get compensated starting at $1-10 million and cumulating, the judge who committed the misconduct is reported to the Commission on Judicial Performance who must complete its work within 6 months of the date of reporting and report monthly to the State Auditor who reports annually to the Legislature.
  • The Judge who committed the misconduct is reported to the Commission on Judicial Performance who MUST complete its work within 6 months of the date of reporting and report monthly to the State Auditor who reports annually to the Legislature.
  • The judges and justices are limited to a 24-year cumulative term for all offices held. Any


  • Write to your state senator, assembly person and Governor Newsom demanding the legislation be enacted, you can use the form letter below, how to find out who you need to write to
  • The reasons are the Successive Legislators have done nothing for 13 years since the Court held it was their job to solve the problem of the unlawful county and court payments to the State Superior Court judges, the State had the money with its near $100 billion budget surplus in 2022 and spent it on other programs, instead of passing the legislation which would commence directly compensating the victims of judicial corruption, install judicial term limits, remove judges who committed criminal acts, stop them from holding another elective office, and establishing a State Citizens Commission to Oversee the Judiciary.
  • They help by doing the same thing to get all political action groups like Common Cause, ACLU, Unions, Chambers of Commerce, Disability Groups, LBGT+ groups, etc. to put pressure on the Legislature and Governor.
  • These are actions that the “victims of judicial corruption and judicial abuse of power can take now”.
  • If I may use an analogy, when the lights go out in a stadium, thousands of individual candles bring light to the  stadium.

Remember, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead. We are that group
Also, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead.



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HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse

The Billion Dollar FRAUD “You’ve never heard of” Sharon Noonan Kramer

Sharon Noonan Kramer chat court victim com billion dollar fraud

The Billion Dollar Fraud You Never Heard of But is Impacting Your Life – Sharon Kramer

Sharon Kramer is an accidental whistleblower and an expert in health marketing integrity. Sharon is an author, speaker, truth and justice seeker. She has published papers in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health and the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. She exposes how conflicts of interest and marketing ploys have been used to deny mold and that damp buildings cause health problems.
– Sharon Kramer YouTube: / @sharonkramer
– Sharon Kramer Interview: • Sharon Kramer for…
– Sharon Kramer Q&A:…
– AGNOTOLOGY – Within the sociology of knowledge, the study of deliberate, culturally induced ignorance or doubt, typically to sell a product, influence opinion, or win favor, particularly through the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data
– Mold Medicine and Mold Science – One of the FRAUDULENT Science Claims:…
– Fake-Bad Scale…

Mrs. Sharon Noonan Kramer

Although I am published in medical journals, I am not a scientist or a physician.  I have a degree in marketing and sold real estate in Rancho Santa Fe, California for a living.

What changed my path in life (hopefully temporarily)

Sharon Kramer

is that I had a leak in an ice maker line back in 2001 and mold grew. The remediators had no idea what they were doing and they cross-contaminated our house.  Blew mold everywhere.

I have a daughter with Cystic Fibrosis “CF” who is highly susceptible to mold.  So of course, I did a lot of research when faced with this issue.
I became ill because my office was in the home.  I was there everyday during the remediation process.  I knew the mold, aspergillus, was potentially harmful for my daughter with CF. No one told me it could be hazardous to my health. In our litigation with our homeowner insurer (2002-2003), we made no claims of being ill from toxicity or of acquiring “life threatening illness”.Our claim was that the remediators had made the home uninhabitable for our daughter with CF.
Our insurer sued us for refusing to accept only $30K to rectify the problem . The case was presided over by Judge Michael P. Orfield, North San Diego County Superior Court. Long story short, we ended up receiving about a $500K settlement from our insurer, the remediator and the lab that had falsely cleared the house. Judge Orfield signed all three of the settlement agreements in 2003.  He is now retired but his wife is still a judge in the San Diego North Courty Superior Court.
Judge Orfield was also the first judge in the libel suit that Mr. Kelman and Veritox (formerly known as GlobalTox) brought in 2005. He suppressed MUCH evidence corroborating this was Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation, “SLAPP”.
Mr. Kelman was retained as an expert defense witness in the litigation with our homeowner insurer.  As a toxicologist with a PhD he was not qualified to testify to the safety of our home for our daughter with CF, even stating so in a LETTER he sent to the defense attorney in 2002.  Mr. Kelman wrote that “a physician with detailed knowledge of the clinical condition of the child must be consulted”.
But in the libel litigation he submitted declarations three times under penalty of perjury that stated with regard to our mold litigation. I testified the type and amount of mold in the Kramer house could not have caused the life threatening illnesses she claimed”.  His attorney, Mr. Scheuer then used this false statement in Mr. Kelman’s declarations to establish the false theme of a sour grapes litigant as reason for malice.  Mr. Scheuer repeatedly wrote, “Apparently furious that the science conflicted with her dreams of a remodeled home, Kramer launched into an obsessive campaign to destro the reputation of Dr. Kelman and GlobalTox”. 
The first time the perjury was submitted in Mr. Kelman’s DECLARATION (see pdf page 5), was to Judge Orfield who knew or should have known this was perjury and suborning of perjury to establish a false theme for malice.  He was reminded that he signed the settlement agreements and informed via my DECLARATION (see pdf page 8)  and exhibits of September 2005, that the above was perjury by Mr. Kelman to establish false theme for malice.
Mr. Kelman’s perjury to establish false reason for malice and his attorney, Mr. Scheuer’s repeated suborning of it, have cost me millions of dollars and taken several years of my life as I have had to watch the lives of thousand of others be destroyed from a scienctific fraud remaining in public health policy and in US courts.  This is because for seven years now, every single judge to oversee the cases of Kelman & GlobalTox v. Kramer and Kelman v. Kramer have suppressed the evidence that the plaintiff committed perjury to establish false reason for malice while strategically litigating against public participation. It is a requirement in libel law that one has to show a reason for personal malice in order to establish constitutional malice (actual malice). Mr. Kelman lied under oath to establish this with  the courts then falsely deeming me to be legally found to be a “malicious liar”.
As merely one example of at least fifty times the courts have suppressed the direct evidence that the plaintiff was committing perjury to establish false theme for the defendant’s malice, is my PETITION for Rehearing, September 30, 2010.  ( above linked pdf takes a few seconds to open).  What it states, starting on page 22, is:
4. This court should recognize that one cannot use criminal perjury
to inflame the courts by making up a reason for the other party’s malice when strategically litigating to silence a whistleblower; even if one is an author of policy papers for the US Chamber of Commerce and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. AppRplyToCtQuery,pp.23-25) This Opinion ignores Kramer’s uncontroverted evidence provided since September of 2005; Kelman has been committing perjury of his “role as a defense expert in Kramer’s own lawsuit”. (App.Opn.Brf.Erta,pp.8-22)
A video of Mr. Kelman and I discussing his criminal perjury to establish false theme for malice and the damage it has done to me; along with him trying to use the libel litigation to force me to endorse his opinion as an expert witness in US mold litigations may be viewed on the right side of this page.
We sold the house with full disclosure in 2005 to a friend who is a contractor.  My daughter is now 28, very health, and a video editor in LA. Part of why she is so healthy is because of what I learned going thru this issue that doctors are not taught about illnesses caused by mold. This proves the old adage “Something good comes from everything”. My other daughter, who does not have CF is grown and well on her way, too.  She has a degree in zoology and works with animals – her life’s dream.
While researching what was happening to our home when going through the nightmare, I came upon thousands of people who are not as fortunate as we have been.  They did not have the means to go buy another house or fly to go see specialists.  They did not have a big Irish, family to see them through.
I couldn’t walk away without doing something to change the issue and stop the evidence of the ill health effects from being suppressed in policy, medical offices and the courts.  Has little to do with biological science and much to do with the misuse of the science of marketing. I have a degree in marketing and understand how it can be a deadly science when misapplied by the unethical.
I went to DC and told them there was a problem.  I ended up moderating a Senate staff briefing over the mold issue with a panel of four scientists/physicians they let me pick and bring, 2006.   That started the slooooooow change in federal policy.
Early on, I grasp the concept that what they were doing to deny causation of illness in courts was a simple twist of science mass marketed to deny liability.  (this doesn’t just apply to mold. it applies to many environmental exposures).
With regard to mold they took a single toxicology model and mass marketed it to mean that it was highly unlikely people could be sick if they were exposed to inhaled mycotoxins indoors. (2002). A medical association, ACOEM, legitimized it, KNOWING they were legitimizing a LITIGATION DEFENSE ARGUMENT.
They spun it further to mean people claiming illness from mycotoxins (notice “inhaled” is gone) were doing so because of “trial lawyers, media and Junk Science”. (2003) The US Chamber mass marketed it to the courts.  They also promoted it as “toxic mold” with the implication that all illnesses from mold are related to toxicity. (think asthma and allergy are not toxic illnesses, etc)
They spun it even further in the courts that this modeling theory alone meant individuals “Could not be” made ill from mycotoxins because they fell below this hypothetical exposure limit established by a flawed toxicology modeling theory – projected it as no one could be made ill from mold (notice “toxic” is gone) or any of the biological contaminants found in water damaged buildings.
It became the concept in US policy and courts that anyone claiming illness from a water damaged building was just doing so because of “trial lawyers, media and Junk Science”.  The courts, by and large, have been down right hateful to the sick and injured because they have had this false concept marketed to them.
It caused a push back of fear in that even if people were just a little sick, they would go to their doctors and the doctors would tell them they “could not be” sick from their buildings. (This also caused those who were very sick and desperately needed help to be distrusted by their physicians).
Knowing that wasn’t true that it had been proven mold does not harm, people would search on their own and find legitimate horror stories of worst case scenarios and think that applied to them. Sometimes it did, sometimes it didn’t.  But there was no place to go to find clear answers.  As is true with all good parents, they would choose to err on the side of precaution – which in many cases was a logical but unnecessary over reaction.
They over react, building owners under react, the really sick are distrusted by their doctors – making a perfect storm for the contention, confusion and litigation to thrive.  With those who mass marketed the scientific misinfo, then make money off of the contention by serving as expert witnesses in the litigations that are resultant of their willful mass marketing of misinformation.  In other words, they built their own industry by selling doubt of causation in policy.
I caused a federal GAO audit that helped to establish these illnesses are plausibly occurring. (another reason they hate me so much) The Senate HELP committee and the late Sen Kennedy ordered it at my urging. I am trying to finish the job and knock it out of mold policy once and for all.  See letter to OSHA, etc.
As is always the matter, its never the original action that gets government into trouble.  Its always the cover up for the wrongs. The California courts, particularly the Fourth District Division One Appellate Court in San Diego, were practicing politics, not law, when they first framed me for libel while being evidenced of the twist in science they were aiding to continue. They tried to shoot the messenger.  Now they want to bury the bullets.
Now they KNOW they backed the wrong horse when they should not have been betting at all and are trying to shut me up of how they have aided the false science to continue in policy by what they have done to me for now seven years.
I am in a unique position, it is not an expert witness who has committed perjury in my case.  Mr. Kelman is a plaintiff in the libel case that the courts have been concealing committed perjury to establish needed reason for malice by claiming he gave a testimony in my case with my insurer of long ago, that he is evidenced to have never even given.  There was zero evidence presented in the libel case that I was even remotely unhappy with his minor role in my case with homeowner insure; or I that I had ever said a harsh word of any the the defense’s experts from the case.  There were about seven of them.
ONE Ca judiciary acknowledging the uncontroverted evidence that the plaintiff committed perjury when strategically litigating against me to establish needed reason for malice – and the whole charade collapse – because the plaintiff is an author of the false science in policy for the US Chamber of Commerce and ACOEM. Because it is policy, he uses in court to support an unscientific expert opinion and states illnesses “Could not be” caused by the exposure – based solely on his mass marketed and greatly flawed toxicology modeling theory.
No longer is it just in science where the charade collapses, it politicians disguised as pillars of the California judicial branch that will also be exposed when it is acknowledged they all suppressed the evidence of a plaintiff’s perjury to establish false theme for malice as the framed the whistle blowing defendant for libel.
My writing of how it because a fraudulent concept in policy that moldy buildings do not harm is 100% accurate.  Justice Judith McConnell, who wrote the 2006 anti-SLAPP opinion crafted it to make it look like I accused Mr. Kelman of lying about being paid to author the ACOEM mold statement.  Nope!  My writing accurately states the exchange of think-tank money was for the US Chamber’s mold statement.
McConnell’s anti-SLAPP Opinion of November 2006:
“This testimony supports a conclusion Kelman did not deny he had been paid by the Manhattan Institute to write a paper, but only denied being paid by the Manhattan Institute to make revisions in the paper issued by ACOEM. He admitted being paid by the Manhattan Institute to write a lay translation. The fact that Kelman did not clarify that he received payment from the Manhattan Institute until after being confronted with the Kilian deposition testimony could be viewed by a reasonable jury as resulting from the poor phrasing of the question rather from an attempt to deny payment. In sum, Kelman and GlobalTox presented sufficient evidence to satisfy a prima facie showing that the statement in the press release was false.”
I made no such accusation of Mr. Kelman lying about being paid to author the ACOEM mold statement. My purportedly libelous writing of March 2005 accurately states the exchange of money from the
Manhattan Institute think-tank was for the US Chamber’s mold statement. ACOEM’s was a version of the “Manhattan Institute commissioned piece”. From my purportedly libelous writing:
“He [Kelman] admitted the Manhattan Institute, a national political think-tank, paid GlobalTox $40,000 to write a position paper regarding the potential health risks of toxic mold exposure…..In 2003, with the involvement of the US Chamber of Commerce and ex-developer, US Congressman Gary Miller (R-CA), the GlobalTox paper was disseminated to the real estate, mortgage and building industries’ associations. A version of the Manhattan Institute commissioned piece may also be found as a position statement on the website of a United States medical policy-writing body, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.”
The plaintiff, Bruce Kelman, is the author of the toxicology modeling theory that was legitimized by ACOEM and the US Chamber.  How these two papers were connected in marketing false science to mislead the courts was the subject of my writing. I explained it by using a case in Oregon. I was trying to get the word out that you can defeat the false science by making the experts discuss the marketing behind it. I feel I was pretty successful with this and know my efforts have saved many, many lives.
For this, I am going to jail for refusing to be silenced of how the CA courts have aided to defraud the public by being willing participants in seven years worth of malicious Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation.  I am going to jail for putting the evidence on the internet, September 13, 2011, that the Chair of the California Commission on Judicial Performance, and many other leaders in California’s judicial branch know that she framed me for libel and suppressed the evidence that Mr. Kelman committed perjury, and all courts followed suit.
This is the main post they want off the NET and for which I am going to jail.  Be sure to read the linked letters sent on September 11, 2011.
If I am a liar, it would be very easy for Mr. Kelman, Mr. Scheuer and the California courts to prove it.  All they would have to do is produce two pieces of evidence:
Alert Homeland Security1. that I was ever impeached as to the belief of the words “altered his under oath statements” as an accurate description of Mr. Kelman’s testimony in a trial in Oregon, February 2005; and
2. the evidence that would corroborate that Mr. Kelman did not commit pejury to establish a needed theme for malice in the libel litigation.
In sevey years time, they cannot produce this. The evidence does not exist!
The courts framed a whistle blower of fraud in policy as they suppressed the evidence the author of the fraud committed criminal perjury, aiding the fraud to continue!
All I have to do is keep stating and providing the evidence of the truth of how and why the courts framed me for libel w/actual malice for the words, “altered his under oath statements” – the only words for which I have ever been sued; and then gagged me from writing of what they have done and are now going to jail me to conceal their misdeeds. 
I am an old salesman. I know that if I keep knocking on doors and can show that what I am selling is based on sound fact, eventually a door will open and SOMEONE will listen.  When that happens, they will shut down the fraud in mold policy & litigation; and rid California of compromised politicans disguised as pilars of the state’s legal system.
Notice to Court:  Since when did it become a criminal offense punishable by incarceration for speaking the truth in America, with courts getting to pick and choose what uncontroverted evidence they want to acknowledge and IGNORE?   I know you can lock me away if you want, Thomas Nugent.  But I am not shutting up!  I believe that protecting the First Amendment of the Constitution is worth the fight in order to keep the United States a free society.  

PS. Could you ask my captors if they will give me Internet access while I am in coercive incarceration?

Mrs. Kramer
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History of SBX 211 and AB 2960

SBX 2 11

Commencing in the mid to late 1980s California Counties and State Superior Courts began paying State Superior Court judges (Trial Court judges) payments in addition to their State Compensation. These payments were called “Supplemental or Local Judicial Benefit Payments” (payments). California Constitution, Article VI, Section 19, required Judicial State Compensation could only be set by the California Legislature. The payments were held to violate the California Constitution in Sturgeon v. County of Los Angeles, 167 Cal.App.4th 630 (2008), Review Denied, 2009).

In response, the California Legislature approved and Governor Schwarzenegger signed SBX 2 11 on February 20, 2009, Effective May 20, 2009: (1) allowing the payments to continue in Section 2 and adding such as Section 68220 to the California Government Code; (2) defining the payments to include salary, compensation, benefits 401K and 457K plans in Section 3 and adding such as Section 68221 to the California Government Code; (3) stating nothing in SBX 2 11 requires the Judicial Council to pay for judicial benefits or previous benefits in Section 4 and adding such as Section 68222 to the California Government Code.

At all times, the payments violated both California and federal Criminal laws as “bribes” under California Criminal law and 18 U.S.C. Section 1346- “the intangible right to honest services” under Federal law.

SBX 2 11 addressed the California violations in Section 5 with retroactive immunity as follows:

“Notwithstanding any other law, no governmental entity, or

officer or employee of a governmental entity, shall incur any

liability or be subject to prosecution or disciplinary action because of benefits provided to a judge under the official action of a governmental entity prior to the effective date of this act on the ground that those benefits were not authorized under law.” (Emphasis added.)

AB 2960

AB 2960 was an Omnibus Judicial Bill drafted by the California Assembly Judicial Committee, considered and amended by the California Senate Judicial Committee, approved by the California Legislature on September 9, 2022, and signed by Governor Newsom on September 9, 2022 to clarify the workings of the California Judicial Branch.

The Omnibus Judicial Bill encompassed non-controversial matters and did not address any substantive issues.

An Omnibus Judicial Bill comes up every two years for consideration.

How Will the “Fine Legislation” Help You

The “Fine Legislation”:

(1) Amends SBX 2 11 by establishing a California State Citizens Commission (Commission) to oversee the Judicial Branch of the California government by:

(a) Compensating the victims of judicial misconduct and/or judicial abuse of power through monetary payments of $1-10 million for specific categories of damage cumulated for a total dollar damage determined and awarded by the Commission, paid directly to the recipient by the California Controller, who reports the victim identified “judicial officer” to the Commission on Judicial Performance on a monthly and annual basis;

The categories are:

“(aa) $1 million tax free per year for each year from January 1, 1985 onwards for defamation (including libel) caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power which existed or continues to exist;

(bb) $10 million tax free per year for each year from January 1, 1985 onwards for unlawful incarceration caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power which existed or continues to exist;

(cc) $10 million tax free for fraud upon the court caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(dd) $10 million tax free for fraud caused by caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(ee) $10 million tax free for intentional interference with contract caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(ff) $10 million tax free for negligent interference with contract caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(gg) $10 million tax free for intentional interference with prospective business advantage caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(hh) $10 million tax free for negligent interference with prospective business advantage caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(ii) $10 million tax free for intentional infliction of emotional distress caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(jj) $10 million tax free for negligent infliction of emotional distress caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(kk) $10 million tax free for bias against self-represented litigants from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(ll) $10 million tax free for bias against litigants with physical or mental disabilities from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(mm) $10 million tax free for abuse against litigants over 65 years old (elder abuse) from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(nn) $10 million tax free for any other cause of action not mentioned above caused by judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power from January 1, 1985 onwards;

(oo) $10 million tax free for any other unmentioned misconduct or abuse of power by the “Judicial Officer” (Referees, Commissioners, Temporary Judges, Superior Court Judges, Court of Appeal Justices and/or State Supreme Court Justices) from January 1, 1985 onwards; and

(pp) additionally for attorneys who brought cases against counties or the courts of the State of California from January 1, 1985 onwards:

(1) one third (33.33%) of damages alleged or shown in any case prior to trial dismissed by a Superior Court judge who received “supplemental or local judicial benefits” or other unlawful payment;

(2) forty percent (40%) for any case settled or dismissed prior to trial; and

(3) one half (50%) of damages awarded at trial and/or then denied or overturned by the California Supreme Court, any panel of a State Court of Appeal or Appellate Division of a Superior Court upon which a justice or judge who violated or is violating paragraph (2)(a)-(c) above was or is a member;”;

(b) The Commission on Judicial Performance is required to resolve all complaints from any source within six months of the receipt of any report, complaint, or source;

(i) with a written decision containing the reasons for the decision signed by the Commissioners; and

(ii) in the event such investigation is not completed with a signed report within the six-month period of time, the Commission on Judicial Performance shall be deprived of all State Compensation and benefits until such Report is filed and with the Commission on Judicial Performance and served upon the Controller/source/complainant;

(c) The Commission on Judicial Performance is required to make semi annual reports to the California State Auditor; and

(d) The California State Auditor is required to continually audit the Commission on Judicial Performance and to make an annual report to the California State Legislature with recommendations for legislation, if needed; and

(2) Repeals SBX 2 11 Sections 2, 3 and 4 along with Government Code Sections 68220, 68221and 68222;

(3) Amends AB 2960 by:

(a) adding a Section to establish a twenty four (24) year term limit on all Judicial Officers, in particular, the members of the judiciary who received retroactive immunity from civil liability, criminal prosecution and disciplinary action under SBX 2 11, Section 5, thereby allowing any criminal action under 18 U.S.C. Section 1346 to continue unabated with those judicial officers and allowing both state and federal criminal actions to be brought against any subsequently appointed or elected judicial officers receiving “supplemental or local judicial benefits” from counties or courts;

(b) adding a Section precluding any Judicial Officer who received or is currently receiving “supplemental or local judicial benefits from a county or court” from holding a State elective or appointed office; and

(c) adding a Section requiring any State Superior Court Judge seeking re-election in an unopposed general election, be required to be on the General Election Ballot in a Retention Election requiring 50 plus percent of the votes cast be to retain him/her to retain the State Superior Court Judge position.

The “Fine Legislation” also contains a section of “egregious examples” of judicial misconduct or judicial abuse of power with payouts under the sections and a section showing the composition of the State Commission with responsibilities, terms and original individuals.

“AB 1756, the 2023 draft of the Omnibus Judicial Legislation which has yet to be enacted by the California Legislature does not contain any of the amendments to SBX 2 11 enacted as Government Code 68220-68222 or to be added to SBX 2 11 or the amendments to be added to AB 2960 in the “Fine Legislation”.

The “Fine Legislation” may be adopted for any State with changes made unique to such State.


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Book Motion for Justice I Rest My Case By Brian Vukadinovich

Book by Brian Vukadinovich Motion for Justice I rest my case true story about one mans fight for justice

Book Motion for Justice I Rest My Case By Brian Vukadinovich

Rich in information, Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case shares Brian Vukadinovich’s experiences and intimate knowledge of governmental and judicial corruption and what went on behind the scenes in Indiana for years in efforts to take away his freedom and livelihood as a teacher. Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case, in a straightforward, no-holds-barred style, will open your eyes to government and judicial corruption that you have never before heard or seen the likes of. Brian Vukadinovich minces no words when he writes about his journey for justice, calling out high-level state and federal officials, including state and federal judges, for undermining Vukadinovich’s efforts in exposing government corruption. Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case will show how law enforcement agencies in Indiana conspired to take his freedom away from him by falsely arresting and vindictively prosecuting him on numerous occasions and how Brian Vukadinovich successfully took on the corrupt police in many of the cases representing himself and successfully arguing for dismissal of the bogus charges. In Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case, you will read how John Bolton, as assistant attorney general of the U.S. Department of Justice at the time, and former national security adviser to President Trump, turned a blind eye to significant evidence of police-corruption activities against Brian Vukadinovich. Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case will show how numerous lawyers teamed up in efforts to have Brian Vukadinovich fired from teaching jobs and how he took on the corrupt lawyers and won two federal lawsuits, including a five-day jury trial in March 2016, when he represented himself and convinced a federal jury that the corporation violated his due process rights and awarded him damages of $203,840.39. The case received substantial national attention. In writing the powerful foreword to Motion for Justice: I Rest My Case, Richard A. Posner, retired longtime distinguished judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, called Brian Vukadinovich “A wonderful American success story” calling him “determined, indomitable, fearless, and daring”.

“Brian is not only a terrific litigator; he is a terrific writer, as the reader of this book will soon learn.
–Richard A. Posner (Retired judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit)

“Vukadinovich has plenty to say – a luxury many lawyers often don’t have.”
–Indiana Lawyer – Vol. 27 No. 21, December 14-27, 2016

“Since 1981, Vukadinovich has been arrested by Valparaiso police seven times. Each time, he was found not guilty or charges were dismissed.”
–The Vidette Messenger – January 4, 1992

“After one arrest, he left jail with a broken jaw; after another, he was handcuffed in a patrol car with a police dog.”
–The Indianapolis Star – May 8, 1988

Brian Vukadinovich has also been featured in several articles and reviews. Feel free to check them out below!

The Herald Journal
The Tribune Star
Litigation Daily

illinois Cook County Court Victim Brian Vukadinovich


    Brian Vukadinovich Author Speaker Educator

    HELP SHARE AND SUPPORT THE NATIONAL COURT VICTIM DATABASE: Share with your Family, Friends and Anyone affected by Judicial Abuse