Court Gate Divorced from the Law By Elaine Mickman

Court Gate Book Divorced from the law Elaine Mickman




Basic Story:

What happens when there’s a “tale of too much corruption” and the judiciary doesn’t apply the law? departs from law?… doesn’t comply with the law?…..abandons the Constitution and law?….inserts their own law?….This true memoir reports the experiences of an unsuspecting woman who encountered court cases where the judiciary was “divorced from the law”.
After the court system “asset-stripped” this woman and “perfected injustice”, the court ordered-away and canceled-out her Constitutional Rights to silence her and censor her cases plagued with fraud and “cover-ups” by “gatekeeping” her court-access, amounting to nothing less than a “judicial-hit-job.” The book is intended to inform and educate the public,
and “sound an alarm” to prompt positive reform.

Detailed version:

Elaine Mickan’s Book
“Divorced From the Law”
Book Court-Gate the Courts Divorced from the Law Without Liberty or Justice at all

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