Fit mother denied any contact for over 600 days with her 5-year-old twins, violating civil rights under the color of law, placing children with a Father with a prior murder conviction, 5 DUI arrests, history of domestic violence with 3 counts of battery charges.

This is a Call to Action to remove Judge Donna Geck from the bench of the Santa Barbara County Superior Court, as she is harming children and denying due process.

Judge Geck is a Judicial Officer for the Anacapa Division, Santa Barbara, California, who has a plethora of complaints against her rulings in the cases she oversees: Civil, Criminal, Family Law, Juvenile, Probate, Appeals, and Small Claims.

The 3-year-old twins (now 5) were placed in full custody of the father when the mother requested permission from the court to move with the children to the next county 30 miles away. Geck did not grant the move away. Geck had full knowledge of the father’s criminal history when she placed the children with the father full time. Geck then denied an evidentiary hearing when requested by the mother to regain her custody once the move was denied. The failure of Due Process has continued.

The mother then filed a motion to reconsider to regain custody of her young children in which Geck denied again.

This mother has done everything she can to show pertinent information to the court so that it may rule for the best interest of the children. Mother has been denied all access to Due Process.

It is clear the father still currently suffers from substance abuse with a tenured criminal history of arrests the past 23 years. Father’s 1st of 5 DUI arrests was in 1990 when driving drunk with an open container. The run in with the law continued, including a 2002 DUI that resulted with him crashing his car into a residential home at the age of 35. Then a drunk in public 2003, and shortly thereafter, November 2003, he killed a father of three and injured four passengers who sustained lifelong injuries and was convicted of felony manslaughter DUI hit-and-run. Father currently has a pending Felony DUI case for the 5th time, May 2019. As recent as December 2021, the father failed multiple monitored breathalyzer Sober link tests, and did not complete the program while the minor children have been in his care.

Among the variety of divisions, the one commonality The People’s complaints against Judge Geck have been, is her failure to honor Due Process.

A vast number of individuals’ civil rights have been infringed upon by Judge Geck’s blatant disregard to uphold the law of Due Process.

WE, The People, have the right to be heard under our 14th amendment of the constitution to protect the citizens from actions taken by state, government, counties, towns, and cities.

Most concerning is the innocent children without a voice suffering and being harmed from the wake of negligence of the law – not following Due Process.

Geck acts beyond her jurisdiction, ignores penal, civil, family codes, precedents, statues of court rules, and engages in severe unlawful measures to silence and suppress The People who have been wronged by her rulings of failure to Due Process.

The links below provide some of the countless complaints from the victims of Judge Geck. We The People, must act to protect our defenseless children against the abuse of power wielded by Judge Geck’s blatant disregard for Due Process. Her reign of terror on The People must stop now to prevent future victims and aid in the current victim’s rights being restored.

Please stand with me, for the sake of our children’s well-being and safety, and sign this petition. Every signature counts. The People have the right to Due Process. These five- year-old twins have the right to be safe.

There is currently an open investigation with the Commission on Judicial Performance Committee (CJP) with the State of California for Judge Geck’s misconduct. This petition will be presented to the CJP hearing, end of March 2023.

Every signature counts in this effort for justice for The People. We need to stand together to be heard to create change, seek justice, and protect our Civil Rights.

If you have been a victim of Judge Geck, please share your story in the comment section below or on one of the victim links below.

Our voices are stronger together, WE have the right to be heard!

Media, press, and advocates: regarding specifics of “Fit mother denied contact with her 5-year-old twins for over 600 days”, please directly email inquiries to: em.notorpobfsctd-72cb5b@ssecorpeudotthgiR



Robing Room Reviews Santa Barbara County California Judge Donna D Geck

Due process legal update: UC Santa Barbara found in contempt of court

Judge Donna D. Geck information on Court Victims directory

FACEBOOK Victims Group for Judge Donna D. Geck

Ballotpedia Online site information on Judge Donna D. Geck

UGLYJUDGE judge, lawyer, police and government directory exposes Judge Donna D. Geck

If you are a victim of Santa Barbara County California Judge Donna D. Geck and wish to provide information or get help, please use the below form. Your identity will remain private and secure. Thank you


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